“Men who are capable of real action first make their plans and then go forward without hesitation while their enemies have still not made up their minds.”

― Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War

This section probes international issues from analyzing and studying the different strategies countries use to achieve their goals. It is a simple way and parsimonious way of clarifying complexity. Our goal as HERMES is to provide independent research, investigation, and commentaries on national, regional and international security issues that have policy relevance. It seeks to promote a better understanding of International Affairs, to study ends and means, to relate ends to means. To do so we rely on analytical history, political sciences, strategic studies, geopolitic analysis and economics.  

Strategy has always been at the center of International Affairs as far back as ancient civilizations, the means may have changed and evolved but the goals remain largely the same: to acquire a better and bigger sphere of influence in key regions of the world to maximize the gains.  Strategic analysis and studies open the mind to all possibilities and forces at play in order to understand and consider the costs and risk of the decisions made but also weigh the consequences.

The role strategy plays in the international system is crucial in shaping the lives of millions.  Strategy can be defined as the combination of diplomatic, economic, military, and political factors used by leaders to promote the interests and defend their respective countries. In the current context of highly interdependent and complex domestic and international politics, leaders must develop strategies that address a diverse range of challenges that will shape the world in the future.